Design Success The Finnish Way

A premium online coaching program from Finland for ambitious organisations.

What is PUROSI?

PUROSI – Design Success The Finnish Way is a premium online program for ambitious organisations. It is a modern, on-demand solution to accelerate an organisation's success journey, attract and retain talent and support the culture of togetherness. 

Equivalent to 30 private coaching sessions the program brings together best practices from performance and business coaching using its unique science-based method, Finnish Success Pattern, decades of corporate development experience and Finnish principles of life. 

By participating in this program you will improve your self leadership skills, develop a stronger resilient baseline and a higher level of self-awareness. All these in order to define and reach authentic success in your profession and life.

The program and its method is created by Finnish professional coaches Satu Ahlman and Nora Tag. Together they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience from the corporate world with track records as CEO, board member, management consultant, advising and coaching executives across industries and countries. Having worked with large organisations such as Accenture, PWC, Google, Johnson & Johnson as well as various startups and scale ups their level of experience is truly extraordinary.

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Numerous studies have highlighted the importance of prioritising self-awareness, resilience, and self-leadership in achieving sustainable success and well-being. 

Focusing on these areas this program supports sustainable success in companies by prioritising employee happiness, engagement, and individual potential.

Utilising our unique, science-based Finnish Success Pattern method, the program focuses on harmony and positive outcomes for both individuals and organisations. 

Compared to traditional coaching or education, PUROSI offers a modern, time efficient, highly personalised way to coach and guide the entire organisation on-demand towards deeper self-awareness, improved resilience and better self-leadership.

Benefits of choosing PUROSI

Our 16-week program supports within 

  • Talent retention & attraction 
  • Corporate wellness
  • Culture of togetherness and trust
  • Improved psychological safety 
  • Sustainable, healthy, high performing culture 
  • Resilient teams and individuals
  • Improved productivity 
  • Networking and collaboration
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